Saturday, August 4, 2018

A Touch of Gold by Annie Sullivan + Life Update

Hey, everyone! It's 4 days into August, and I know everyone says it, but really! This year has gone by so insanely fast it's blowing my mind.
One more month until my birthday! I'll be 23. No plans set in stone yet but I still can't believe I'll be 23. Where did all the time go?

I'm excited the weather will be switching to autumn soon. It's my favorite time of the year.

July was a good, albeit stressful month. We struggled to find a house that would take us and our dog, and we finally found one! It's a few streets over from our current apartment but it's a house with a yard so our dog can run around in it. She'll be happy with that! We also adopted another dog named Indi. She's a Retriever-Lab mix and she's the goofiest dog I've ever had the privilege of owning.

Now, onto the book review!

King Midas once had The Touch, but when his ability nearly cost his daughter her life, he relinquished it. 10 years goes by, and Princess Kora is still hindered by her curse. Her skin is pure gold, rumors of grisly things she could do have been circulating, and she's hiding a massive secret about some of her own powers.

Kora floats around the castle like a ghost. Trying to blend into the background despite the whispers of her fellow courtiers. A duke named Aris arrives and things get ugly quickly. Kora is finally able to set sail, but it's only to save her father from his ever weakening state.

What she finds on her trip will be life-changing for everyone involved.

I really enjoyed this book. It has mild romance, involves a high seas adventure with pirates, and it's a re-telling of a myth we all know well!

Princess Kora felt like a character I knew immediately. She suffered with anxiety, feelings of neglect and shame, family problems. These are all things we as humans feel during our lifetimes. She shows that she could persevere which made me feel as if I can too.

There is a lot of fighting and plotting to outwit the other pirates during this book. When they were out on the seas was my favorite part of the story. I loved how the pirates were described and I could see all of the characters perfectly in my head. I'd love this book made into a movie. The imagery really is something else.

I love the fact that this was a refreshing book. It's so unique that I can say I've never read another book like it. It was a quick read as well, which I always enjoy.