Hello, everyone!
I started this blog after randomly deleting my old one a few months ago. I had no reason for doing so other than the fact that I wanted to start anew.
I'm sort of sad, because I didn't give my old followers and chance to switch over, I just woke up one day and decided that blog was done for and this one was my new one.
But...this one has been slow getting started.
I started my job back and they quickly switched me back to night shift because they know things get done when I'm there and they had a bad night shift employee before I came back.
I didn't want night shift, but it sort of works with my fiance's work schedule so I can't complain too much. My only issue is that if I'm not at work then I'm sleeping for work and have extremely little time to do anything else. I miss waking up at normal times instead of staying awake until 8-9 am and sleeping all day. I never have weekends off when Trevor (my fiance) does, so plans aren't ever made.
I may talk to them soon about finding someone else for night shift because I prefer second more.
I pulled a shift from 4am-8pm with one 30 minute break and I was so sore I couldn't walk properly when I got home, and I just broke down in tears. On my birthday!
I made really good money I got to take home right then and there, though. So that's all that matters. Keeping our heads above the water and being adults.
I'm just so not used to it. I'm young, though. I'll get the hang of it.
I also went to an OBGYN center due to high-grade squamous cells they found on my cervix. I had to go in and have a LEEP procedure and it was super uncomfortable. I never want to have it done again.There were a few weeks before it where I did nothing but stress out over my health. He told me it didn't look like cancer but it seemed very close. He's sending off what he took from the LEEP to test it. So, we're in limbo again. If he doesn't call in two weeks, I'm to call him back. Fingers crossed, good vibes, prayers...anything and everything would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Home Life
My fiance and my old best friend from my middle/high school days moved into a new rental house two months ago. I love it more than the apartment my fiance and I were staying in, and my roommate is probably one of the best I could ask for! We have a whole slew of animals we absolutely adore, jobs we go to, then we come home and have bonding moments then repeat the next day.Having a set routine is good for me, I believe. I've not been feeling super happy, but I can say I'm content and I haven't felt that in a long time I don't believe.
I'm in the middle of The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton and I'm really liking it. I love books that have subjects or plots I've never remotely read about before, and Stuart Turton managed to write one of them!
I recently finished Furyborn by Claire Legrand and I'm already wanting the second one in my hands ASAP and the first one just now came out in May! If you haven't read either one of these, I highly suggest you jump on it!

Both of the covers for these books are absolutely stunning. Darker colored books with red or gold in them always draws my eye. I definitely judge these covers by the books because almost always they're books I don't ever regret reading!
Thank you for reading my update! Feel free to leave some thoughts or questions in the comments below.
Have a great rest of the weekend, everyone!
Thank you for reading my update! Feel free to leave some thoughts or questions in the comments below.
Have a great rest of the weekend, everyone!