Saturday, September 22, 2018

The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton

The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle is truly a magnificent and unique book. This book is a murder mystery I know I'll be raving about for months to come!

Who is trying to kill Evelyn Hardcastle? That's the question Aiden Bishop has been tasked to answer. He has eight days to solve the murder. If the murder isn't solved, Aiden starts back over from day one in a continuous time loop that will replay over and over again until he puts a stop to it.

As if this isn't already doozy of a task, Aiden wakes up in a different body of one of the guests who've been invited to the ball at Blackheath, the estate of the Hardcastle's. Some of his hosts are a little more helpful than others. While in their bodies, Aiden adopts their personalities, memories, skills, and shortcomings. All of these characters and their traits are necessary in order to catch Evelyn's killer.

This book demands nothing but your full attention. You need to remember key details in order to be able to read this book. It can be confusing at it jumps in between characters quite often. I had no issue keeping up, but it does require quite a bit of concentration while reading. I haven't read a book this intricate or brilliant in quite some time.

This one really kept me guessing and had more than its fair share of mystery and intrigue. Along with a healthy dose of danger paired with the whole "who-dunnit" theme, The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle made its way up my "favorite books" list in no time.

If you want to read it for yourself, click here and it'll take you to where you can purchase this amazing book. I don't get compensated for any purchases you make via this blog.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review via Bookishfirst. All opinions herein are of my own and are not swayed by any outside factors.