Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Girl Waits With Gun by Amy Stewart

I woke up one morning to a pretty big box on my doorstep. Those always get me super excited! I had no idea what was going to be in it. I was pleasantly surprised!

There was bright red confetti laid out beautifully in it along with this book and some other bookish goodies. Pencils with this book and other book titles in the series printed on them, prints of the book covers (which I think are super pleasing to the eye), paper dolls you can make, as well as posters of the book covers you can color yourself! I really enjoyed getting the chance to participate in the "Kopp In A Box" campaign.

Girl Waits With Gun is about a woman and her two sisters who live by themselves out in the middle of nowhere after their mother passed on.
One day they end up getting into a collision with a group of rough and rowdy men and end up getting on their bad side. So ensues months of aggravation and harassment leading up to a final conclusion I think you'll be happy with. I was!

I very rarely read historical fiction but I really did enjoy myself with this one. The cast is so great and there's a lot of action. I especially love the fact that it's set in the 1900s and Constance doesn't give two hoots what a "woman" would do. She does what she feels is right and what she sets her mind to.

If you love female detectives, historical fiction, and a whole lot of "bad-assery", I highly recommend this book. I had no idea what to expect, but after reading the first one in the series, I know I'll be grabbing the rest of them. I am hooked on the Kopp sisters and their shenanigans. There's even ONE extra-illustrated version of Girl Waits With Gun here that I'm so sad I didn't get my hands on. It's beautiful!

You can find out more about the book here, and if you're interested you can buy it here. No proceeds go to me!