Monday, February 11, 2019

Book Review: The Antidote by Shelley Sackier

Fee is harboring a horrible secret. She has certain abilities that have been outlawed for years.

After an illness swept through Fee's homeland, Fireli, was quarantined for 10 years. They finally get to meet with their neighboring kingdom but things don't go as planned.

Fee, her best friend Xavi, and her betrothed Rye are thrown into a battle that started years ago with Fee's parents. In order to save Xavi, Fee must come to terms with who she really is and unleash what she's been hiding all these years.

This was a quick read for me. The chapters are the perfect length the font is the perfect size to me. I love books like this because I feel like I get through them quicker. The plot of the story definitely helped with that as well.

Quickly we see Fee and Xavi are best friends. I loved their dynamic and the fact that it wasn't a romantic one added to it. Although some may agree Xavi is more suited for Fee than Rye is, I think you'll come around as you finish up the book. I did want to throttle him a few times but you can't blame the poor soul. He was horribly mislead and went on what information he was given at the time. The romance isn't all up in your face nor does it feel like it's forced which is always a plus for me.

I do feel as if this book could have been more fleshed out. I would have liked to see more of some of the characters because they were important to the development of the story but I didn't see as much of them as I wasn't to. I also believe the world-building could have been written better as it had a lot of potential but what we were given is sufficient enough.

Friendship and love and bravery are core concepts in this novel. I loved it!