Saturday, February 16, 2019

Book Review: Thicker Than Water by Brigid Kemmerer

Good morning, everyone! I finished this one in the wee hours earlier today and hopped on to write this. It was definitely a book that throws you for a lot of loops but overall I actually liked it.

Thomas moves to a new town with his mother but before long he's suspected of her murder. The town turns against him but he's sure he didn't do it. He loves his mother.
The only person who thinks he's innocent is Charlotte, who also happens to be in a family full of cops who suspect him of his mother's murder.
20 year prior to this, Charlotte's ballet friend had been murdered but the murder remained unsolved.
They both have questions begging to be answered but the truth is worse than they could imagine.

For the better part of this book it read like a mystery. Then a surprise is thrown in and suddenly it becomes a paranormal mystery. It honestly threw me off for some reason and I put the book down for a total of two days to recover from that whiplash.
Kemmerer helped me recover easily though because as soon as I picked it up I finished it within the hour.
I really liked the dynamic between Charlotte and Thomas. There's always something about a bad boy and an innocent girl that draws people in. Forbidden relationships are my forte apparently. Oh, the teenage angst!

The only downside to this novel is the fact that it ended abruptly with no plans for a sequel. I had more than a few questions that needed to be answered that weren't and I'm quite upset about it! I need more.