Tuesday, November 5, 2019

I'm All Booked! - A Monthly Bookish Q&A

Hello everyone! I happened to stumble on this monthly Q&A that's being hosted by Library of March and I decided to go ahead and give it a go. I'm trying to start posting more often so I believe this is one way to get started in doing so! She'll basically be posting 10 bookish questions at the start of every month. Easy way to get to know bloggers and it also seems pretty fun as well!

1. If you could change one thing about the latest book you read, what would it be?
The last book I read completely through was The Backstagers and the Theater of  the Ancients by Andy Mientus. It's a middle-grade novel so I can't expect it to be aimed for adults, so I don't have any complaints. It was a really good second book to The Backstagers and I'll definitely read any others published after. Such a cute and funny cast of characters!

2. If you could have cofee/tea with your favorite character, what are 3 questions you'd ask them?
Hmmm. I have to pick a top favorite character? I pick Dimitri Belikov because he's...handsome. Lmao! Definitely have a massive crush on that fictional man, not gonna lie.
1. How did you mask the Strigoi smell? Rose still loved you during your stint as a Strigoi yet we all know you stunk horribly.
That's pretty much the only question I have, other than, "How did you get so perfect?" With googly eyes. Hahahaha.

3. If you had to form a team of your fave characters, Avengers-style, who would you choose?
I'll be honest, I had to look up how many people were in the Avengers so I could make sure I have enough on my team. Lol! Can you tell I'm not a big super-hero fan? It says there are 9 after 3 were added in Age of Vultron.
My team would be Dimitri Belikov and Rose Hathaway from Vampire Academy, Rhysand from ACOTAR, Blue Sargent and Ronan Lynch from The Raven Boys, Monty from The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue, Stevie from Truly Devious, Penny from Emergency Contact and last but not least, Camellia from The Belles.

4. You have the choice to either live in your favorite fictional world without your favorite character or have them live with you in the real world, what would you choose?
I'd probably live in my favorite fictional world without my favorite character. The real world sucks, which is why my favorite fictional world is my favorite fictional world to begin with. I definitely wouldn't want to subject anyone to this world if they don't have to be. Lol!

5. Do you have any insta-buy authors?
Yes! Jodi Picoult has been an insta-buy author since I discovered her in say...8th grade? I'm pretty sure it was 8th grade. I love how raw all of her stories are and how heavy the topics are while still maintaining a respectful grace in her writing.

6. If you could spend a day with 3 authors of your choosing, who would you choose?
I'm gonna go ahead and be cliche. I have no shame! Stephen King, Jodi Picoult, and J.K. Rowling.

7. You work at a traveling agency. How would you convince your clients to travel to your favorite fictional world?
My favorite fictional world is located in Harry Potter. Cliche again? Pretty much. I think I'd mentioned the way The Three Broomsticks stays busy on cold winter days and how all the creatures are beautiful yet dangerous so you have to admire them carefully. I'd explain the sprawling forests and deep, dangerous lakes. I'd explain everything. The whole place is beautiful!

8. Pick 5 characters and then pick 5 actors to play them.
I always suck at this question. I'm gonna skip it because that requires more brain power than I have right now. Lol!

9. Which characters do you think would fit perfectly in your current job/school/university?
I work with mentally disabled women in their homes so I would need to think of someone who's patient and really kind. A soft persona. Hm....probably Mary Poppins! She's a nanny, but she still has gusto and the ability to take care of anything pretty much. She fits the bill!

10. You're dropped into the universe of the last book you read. How screwed are you?Depends on if the Backstagers will help me out or not and show me the ropes! They're a funny and accepting crew so I'm pretty sure I'd be okay. ;)