Monday, November 4, 2019

November Shenanigans!

You all! It's officially November! While I am extremely sad all the spooky things I've been seeing on blogs or Instagram and even in stores will be going away for another 365 days...I'm super excited for Thanksgiving. I keep thinking about mashed potatoes, banana pudding, and turkey. Not necessarily in that order.
Can you believe we're actually going into the 20s? I hope these next 10 years bring amazing things for myself as well as any of you who are reading this. I know 2011 and up hasn't been the best to me but I'm determined to make moves over the next 10 that will get me to where I want to be in life. Good luck to you all on your journey as well!

This year has been an extremely bad year for me as far as reading goes. I usually always have a book in my hand, but this year has been different for some reason. The enjoyment went away from me for a little while but hopefully if I get back into blogging and make some blogger friends I'll come out of it. If all else fails, I do want to document my life a little bit more so fingers crossed I'll be making more appearances on here in the upcoming weeks and months.

November TBR
1. Egg & Spoon by Gregory Maguire
This one is written by the same person who wrote Wicked which I haven't read either. This has been on my TBR on Goodreads for a little bit so when I saw it at Half Priced Books in Louisville on my birthday in September I had to pick it up. I'm about 133 pages in so far and I'm actually enjoying it!Amazon | Book Depository

2. The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories by Tim Burton
I picked this one up at Half Priced Books as well. It's a short book so I know I'll get through this one this month. I've flipped through it and it looks really cool to be honest. I love me some Tim Burton but had no idea this book was even a thing until I saw it at HPB! It was a definite must have.
Amazon | Book Depository

3. Take Me Apart by Sara Sligar
I got this in the mail this week and I think it'll be my third and final book I'll try to get through this month. I don't wanna pile too much on as I've said previously I've been having a really rough reading year but this seems do-able to me. Plus it's got a decently intriguing cover and synopsis so I'm okay with slipping this into my TBR. It's an ARC and isn't out until April 2020!
Amazon | Book Depository

November TBW

1. Frozen 2: I'm 24 years old but when I say I watched Frozen over and over again, I'm nowhere near kidding. I don't even have any kids! Yes, I'm going to ask my boyfriend to take me to see it, no there is not an ounce of shame in my game.

2. Doctor Sleep: I have to admit I have this book but I've yet to read it. I know, I know. Spare me the eye rolls, please! I also didn't read The Shining but I still enjoyed the movie so...I'm sure I'll be okay this time around as well. I love King, just haven't gotten around to reading them yet. Sad days.

3. A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood: Um...who ISN'T excited for this one to come out? It's Tom Hanks as Mr. Rogers. I personally feel like he was born to play the role.

4. The Lodge: There's just something terrifying to me about being snowed in a place and not being able to escape. Also, I'm a sucker for horror movies so this was definitely going to pique my interest no matter what.

Those are the movies I'm going to try to go see in theaters but it probably won't work out that way with my schedule clashing with my boyfriend's but if push comes to shove I'll settle on just going and seeing Doctor Sleep and wait for the rest of them to come out to watch them!

I don't know if you all keep up with Netflix, but they're releasing 73 movies and shows during this month and more than a few of them are interesting to me. Have you checked out the list yet? I won't write all of them that I'm planning on watching right now, but there may be a post about it at the end of the month.

Are you all excited for any upcoming movies this month? What about books or albums that are coming out as well? Let me know below! See ya next time. :)