Today I'm joining a few bloggers for some Friday book memes! Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader as a way to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you're currently reading and share your thoughts about it. Feel free to check her blog out!
A Touch of Gold by Annie Sullivan
"Once upon a time, a little girl helplessly watches as liquid gold spun a web across her tiny frame, racing to wrap her up in an icy cocoon. Her mouth hung agape. Her limbs stayed outstretched toward a father she could not reach. Her legs refused to respond, to carry her far away. Only the sound of bones crackling, drying into rigid metal fossils, sliced through the night air."
This first paragraph had me hooked immediately. I've never read a re-telling of King Midas but I'm 177 pages in and I love it! It will be published on August 14, 2018 so be sure to add it to your TBR list because you're not going to want to miss this one.
"Once upon a time, a little girl helplessly watches as liquid gold spun a web across her tiny frame, racing to wrap her up in an icy cocoon. Her mouth hung agape. Her limbs stayed outstretched toward a father she could not reach. Her legs refused to respond, to carry her far away. Only the sound of bones crackling, drying into rigid metal fossils, sliced through the night air."
This first paragraph had me hooked immediately. I've never read a re-telling of King Midas but I'm 177 pages in and I love it! It will be published on August 14, 2018 so be sure to add it to your TBR list because you're not going to want to miss this one.
I'm also joining Coffee Addicted Writer in her weekly meme. A weekly prompt is given featuring a question related to books. The point is to find new blogs to follow, a chance to learn about new books, make new friends, and get followers for you blog as well. It's all about growth and friendships, baby!
Today's prompt is below.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? A blogger's first name should be in a prominent place on his/hers blog.
I believe a blogger should run her or her blog the way they want. Sometimes a blogger may not put their name to protect their identity, even if it is just their first name.
I'm more likely to follow the person if they put their first name and a photo of themselves. I'll feel closer to them and want to read their posts more, but I can also understand wanting to remain anonymous on a blogging platform.

And last but not least I'm joining Freda's Voice for The Friday 56. In this one, you turn to page 56 in the book you're currently reading and share any sentence from the page you want to.
I'm sharing a sentence from A Touch of Gold as shown in the photo for the Book Beginnings meme.
"One time I had to climb up to the crow's nest naked and sing an ode to Poseidon after losing at a game of Drown the Cup."
This part cracked me up because Princess Kora immediately blushes after Aris says this. She's so pious and sweet it's adorable!
Well, that's all for today folks! I had fun joining on on three different memes today and I look forward to looking at what your answers are. Feel free to leave your link down below so I can visit your post as well!
"One time I had to climb up to the crow's nest naked and sing an ode to Poseidon after losing at a game of Drown the Cup."
This part cracked me up because Princess Kora immediately blushes after Aris says this. She's so pious and sweet it's adorable!
Well, that's all for today folks! I had fun joining on on three different memes today and I look forward to looking at what your answers are. Feel free to leave your link down below so I can visit your post as well!