I decided to make today's post a fun one! Readers have a lot in common, but there's a lot we don't have in common. Some people read "normally", others have quirks and habits that others don't. Below are a few of mine.
Where do you read?
I read one of two places, my bed or my recliner in my living room. I'll occasionally read if I'm out and about but I hate having to stop when someone wants to speak to me, so I tend to try to read only when I'm alone and at home.
What do you read?
I read a ton of different genres. As as book blogger I get a ton of books sent to me. They range from children's books to YA to popular fiction, to historical fiction or fantasy. I prefer YA books that deal with female teenage detectives, books that deal with circuses or carnivals, or murder mysteries.
How do you read?
My favorite thing to do when I'm reading is snack. I love pretzels or a massive bowl of cereal.
How many books are on your TBR list?
Too many! On my Goodreads it's telling me I have 437 books on my TBR list. And that's even after I cleaned the list up. Don't judge me on my own blog, okay?
Audio books, paper books, or e-readers?
I'm old-fashioned and love paper books. I love dog-earing books and highlighting them with my markers. The smells of books is superior to the smell of electronics.E-readers are a close second, though. I despise audio books and can't pay attention to them when they're playing for some reason.
What trope makes you not want to finish a book?I hate the mass market romance paperbacks as well as "old lady erotica." Nothing against the people who read them, I just can't get into it!
What's your earliest memory of reading?I remember going into Wal-Mart with my dad and picking up a book when I was 4 or so. It had all the names for the body, cars, fruits and veggies, animals, numbers, colors. My mom was upset he bought it because we didn't have a lot of extra money at the time, but I read that books until it fell apart. Then my dad duct taped it back together and I read it after that. 19 years later and I still have the book.
Who are three authors you have on auto-buy?I honestly only have Jodi Picoult and Brenda Novak on auto-buy. I haven't found a third favorite author yet.
What's your top three favorite bookish worlds?Harry Potter will be my first obvious choice. My favorite is fall time in the Harry Potter books. The second is The Night Court, and the third is Caraval.
Well, that's all folks. Leave me some love below if you're feeling up to it and I'll return the favor!
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