Saturday, March 16, 2019

The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzie Lee

I finally picked this one up on a trip to Barnes and Noble with my boyfriend a couple weeks ago! I went in for some books that have been on my TBR list for quite some time now and this one made the cut!

The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue follows a group of three friends on a Grand Tour during the 18th century.
Henry Montague, along with his biracial friend and true love Percy, plus his sassy sister get into all kinds of trouble on their tour. It's like their last hoo-rah before they have to be adults.

Percy is to go off to law school, Monty is to take after his father running the estate, and Felicity is set to go to finishing school. None of them want what their lives are set to turn out to be.

After a petty theft happens, the trio are thrust into a world of highwaymen, pirates, sinking and dangerous islands, and a cure-all for ailments. For sheltered children, they sure do endure a lot and overcome the many obstacles thrown their way. Many a time during this book I would have thrown in the towel at some of the situations they were put in!

I loved all of the characters and the plot was wonderfully unique. I had no idea what the Grand Tour was before reading this so I actually learned something! I really like that it's an LBGTQ+ story. And the adventuring is amazing! It also covers quite a few other topics such as suicide, epilepsy, and racism and slavery to name a few. They were touched on in a nice manner in my honest opinion.

I'm not really a romance kinda gal, but this was right up my alley. Flamboyant and not ashamed of it, Monty stole the show. I loved him the most. This novel comes highly recommended from me. Click here to buy it!