Wednesday, October 31, 2018

A "There's Someone Inside Your House" by Stephanie Perkins Playlist!

Hey everyone! I have a routine when I wake up. I grab something to drink and sit down and read all of my e-mails that I missed.

When I opened the one I got from Wicked Reads, I was super excited. I was prompted to pick a candy and come up with something creative that I could post. I had no idea what book I would be receiving.

In my last post, I mentioned how much I loved Stephanie Perkins' book There's Someone Inside Your House. Well, lo and behold, I had a package waiting for me this morning. It was in a super cute pink bag as you can tell from the photo. This one is signed! It was fate, I swear.

It also came with some different pieces of candy, a popsocket that said "I have a WICKED TBR," and a card holder keychain for your license and any other cards you may have.

It's probably one of the coolest packages I've ever gotten so far in my few years of book blogging and I'm so happy to be a part of it! I chose to make a playlist that I feel would fit this particular book, so tune in for my picks below!

1. Avalanche by Leonard Cohen

The amount of suspense in this this song is insane. The composure of Cohen's voice while telling a horrifying tale will chill you to the bone.

2. Song of Joy by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds

If you've never listened to this one before, I urge you to. It tells the story of a woman and her three children killed but the ominous statement at the end leaves room for you to draw your own conclusions on what happened.

3. I Love the Dead - Alice Cooper

If you've seen the video you'll know between Cooper's weird lyrics glorifying necrophilia and his facial expressions while singing, it makes for a weirdly fascinating song. "While friends and lovers mourn your silly grave, I have other uses for you darling.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Trapped With You - BLOGOWEEN

We have one more day until Halloween! I feel like October has seriously flown by on a witch's broom! I feel bad because I didn't get any candy to hand out to the children but I've had so much other stuff on my mind I didn't even think about it until now.
Hopefully I won't have too many disappointed kids show up tomorrow! You can find the prompts and more information here. The blog host for this prompt can be found here.

The prompt is all about characters you'd want to be trapped in a haunted house with.

1. Dimitri Belikov - The Vampire Academy series

He's hot and he's strong as hell. I imagine him keeping me distracted in multiple different ways to avoid being scared. ;)

2. Ronald Weasley - Harry Potter

Every group needs a funny person in it. If you don't have comic relief you're all bound to go crazy while trapped inside. True?

3. Feyre - ACOTAR
And I'd need a badass female beside me because Lord knows I'd need someone to watch my back if I watch theirs. I'd trust her with my lifeeeeeeee.

I'm sure there are some more, but those are definitely my top three. A weird group of people. I'm not saying we'd survive, but I know I'd be in good company.  

Which characters would you pick to be stuck in a haunted house with you?

Monday, October 29, 2018

Paper Gods - Goldie Taylor

Title: Paper Gods
Author: Goldie Taylor
Genre: Political thriller

Synopsis from Goodreads:
The mayor of Atlanta and a washed-up reporter investigate a series of assassinations, and uncover a conspiracy that reaches into the heart of the city's political machine.
Mayor Victoria Dobbs Overstreet is a Harvard-trained attorney and Spelman alum, married to a celebrated heart surgeon, mother to beautiful twin girls, and a political genius. When her mentor, ally, and friend Congressman Ezra Hawkins is gunned down in Ebenezer Baptist Church, Victoria finds a strange piece of origami–a “paper god”–tucked inside his Bible. These paper gods turn up again and again, always after someone is killed. Someone is terrorizing those who are close to Mayor Dobbs, and she can't shake the feeling that the killer is close to her, too.

Recommended for:
Anyone who likes politics, faith, thrillers, corrupt politicians, strong female leads, secrets, lies, and intrigue.


Buy links:
Amazon | Barnes and Noble

I have to admit that Paper Gods was out of my comfort zone. I don't do politics. I ignore it and hope for the best. I know that's not the best thing to do with how the world is right now, but I just don't partake and I'm not ashamed about it. ;) When I say I don't do politics, that includes reading books about them. I don't think I've ever read a book centered around politics in my life until I received this one in the mail.

I cracked it open anyway and found a tale of corrupt politicians (surprise), more than a few twists and turns, and a handful of murders. You can definitely tell that this book is written by a journalist because of how she writes and embellishes her sentences.

There are quite a few characters so you really have to pay attention to who's who in order to keep the story straight. They're all decently compelling and when everyone's connections to one another comes out the story ends up making a lot of sense.

Even though Hampton started out as a less than likable character, he slowly began to be my favorite next to Chanel. There are so many twists and turns I feel like I got whiplash, but it was a good story. I would have enjoyed it a lot more if I were clued in on politics before reading this.
I do feel as if I learned a lot about the election processes through reading this!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

You Are The Everything by Karen Rivers (Blog Tour + Giveaway)

Can you want something—or someone—so badly that you change your destiny? Elyse Schmidt never would have believed it, until it happened to her. When Elyse and her not-so-secret crush, Josh Harris, are the sole survivors of a plane crash, tragedy binds them together. It’s as if their love story is meant to be. Everything is perfect, or as perfect as it can be when you’ve literally fallen out of the sky and landed hard on the side of a mountain—until suddenly it isn’t. And when the pieces of Elyse’s life stop fitting together, what is left?

You Are The Everything by Karen Rivers
Publisher: Algonquin Young Readers
Genre: Contemporary YA
Publication Date: 10/30/18



Hey, everyone! I have a question for ya. Do you like books that make you cry? If so, you need to grab this book, some tissues, and a little comfort food to endure a read-through of this novel.

I was slightly weirded out by the narrative of the story, but after I got into the groove of it and read further, I now see why it's written the way it is.

Elyse and Josh's plane go down and they're left as the soul survivors among their classmates after traveling home from Paris. Elyse now has a hard time remembering things due to her traumatic brain injury, and she was left with a glass eye. Josh is beside her being supportive through it all.

If you're tired of the same old same old in books, pick this one up. The writing style alone will pull you in. And be ready to be thrown for a loop at the end. Just read it, you'll see what I mean.

Blog tour schedule link:
Karen Rivers
the author
twenty-one novels for children, teens, and adults, i
cluding the highly praised
The Girl
the Well
All That Was
A Possibility
. She lives
British Columbia, Canada. Find her
Twitter @karenrivers.

Karen Rivers is the author of twenty-one novels for children, teens, and adults, including the highly praised The Girl in the Well Is Me, All That Was, Before We Go Extinct, and A Possibility of Whales. She lives in British Columbia, Canada. Find her online here or on her Twitter.


Thursday, October 25, 2018

A Bit Late...BLOGOWEEN! - Halloween Creatures

Hey, everyone! I'm a tad bit late to the BLOGOWEEN thing...I just recently joined Twitter and didn't find out anything about this until yesterday. I've been having issues wondering what to blog about recently, so this came at just the right time. I love anything Halloween related so this is right up my alley.

BLOGOWEEN is ran by Sam and Clo! The first prompt is from Anthony. I wasn't tagged but I'm going to do it anyway. ;)

1. Witch: A Magical Character or Book

Of course I'm going to have to go with Harry Potter. It's the first series I ever picked up and it's the only series that has had a lasting impression on me this long besides the Vampire Academy series. It's my favorite. Long live Harry Potter. 

2. Werewolf: The Perfect Book to Read at Night

There's Someone Inside Your House by Stepanie Perkins was the first book that popped into my head. I finished this book in June and it's stuck with me! If you love typical slasher movies, this is a book you should definitely pick up.

3. Frankenstein: A Book that Truly Shocked You

People around the book blogging world might be tired of hearing about Gone Girl, but that ending was honestly jaw dropping. I can't help but be in awe still to this day. I fell in love with Gillian Flynn after that and have read all of her books. Each one just gets better and better without fail.

4. The Devil: A Dark, Evil Character

(If you've not read this book don't read below this. Spoiler warning). 

I've only read the first book in the Dollanganger series but the mother in this book was such an evil hag! After the children's dad dies she hands the children off to her Grandma, who, by the way, is also an old, evil hag. She puts them in the attic to be hidden away so their mother can get back into the will.
Leaving your children for money under the guise of it helping them after their grandfather dies.
Freakin' psycho! It gets me riled up every time I remember this dang book.

5. Grim Reaper: A Character that Should Have Never Died

That is all I'm saying about this one. SMH.

6. Zombie: A Book that Made You "Hungry" for More

Furyborn! The cover is breathtaking but that story! It's so good. I need more ASAP.

7. Gargoyle: A Character that You Would Protect at All Costs

Dimitri Belikov from The Vampire Academy series. He's my baby. 

8. Vampire: A Book that Sucked the Life Out of You

A Child Called It. I remember reading parts of that book and just being so horrified that people have to encounter things like this. I can't imagine a life like that.
9. Ghost: A Book that Still Haunts You

Cujo. I love dogs. I also know not a lot of people get their dogs vaccinated for rabies. Which is terrifying to me. Being stuck in a car knowing a viscous dog is trying to tear you to pieces with no way of escaping. *shudder*

10. Skeleton: A Character You Have a Bone to Pick With

I don't think another character besides Umbridge has made me hate them so much as I hate Joffrey. Little asshole. This scene was my favorite, next to the one where he got what he deserved. *slightly ominous sentence for people who haven't read the book* Lol.

11. Mummy: A Book you Would Preserve Throughout Time

Any Harry Potter one as states above. Everyone needs to read them at least once.

12. Creepy Doll: A Cover too Scary to Look At

All of the Asylum novels are scary!

That's the end of that! I'm supposed to tag people but sadly I haven't made any friends in the book blogging world yet. Maybe one day.
Have you read any of these books? Do my sentiments match up with yours? Let me know in the comment section below. :)

Monday, October 22, 2018

The Fever King (Feverwake #1) by Victoria Lee

Title: The Fever King
Author: Victoria Lee
Publication Date: March 1, 2019
Publisher: Skycape
Pages: 412
Source: Paperback copy from publisher
Rating: 3/5

Synopsis from Goodreads:
In the former United States, sixteen-year-old Noam Álvaro wakes up in a hospital bed, the sole survivor of the viral magic that killed his family and made him a technopath. His ability to control technology attracts the attention of the minister of defense and thrusts him into the magical elite of the nation of Carolinia.
The son of undocumented immigrants, Noam has spent his life fighting for the rights of refugees fleeing magical outbreaks—refugees Carolinia routinely deports with vicious efficiency. Sensing a way to make change, Noam accepts the minister’s offer to teach him the science behind his magic, secretly planning to use it against the government. But then he meets the minister’s son—cruel, dangerous, and achingly beautiful—and the way forward becomes less clear.
Caught between his purpose and his heart, Noam must decide who he can trust and how far he’s willing to go in pursuit of the greater good.

I was so lucky to have gotten the chance to read this book so early! Although I didn't really get invested into the characters until the last end of the book, I know I'll have to tun into the next book to see exactly what happens. It doesn't end in a big cliff-hanger, but it does leave you holding up grabby hands for more.

A few of the things that stood out to me was the world-building, the amount of gayness, and my love for Noam and Dara. As I said above, it took me awhile to connect with them, but the way Lee has written him keeps him at a distance not only from Noam, but also us as readers for a bit. Once some secrets come out, Dara won't fail to be your favorite character either. ;)

The Fever King isn't a genre I usually read, so it was confusing to me at first. I stuck with it, and I'm so happy I did. Stepping out of your comfort zone while reading isn't always a bad things. Sometimes you do find rare gems, this is one.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

QDrinks - Shouldn't The Mixer Be As Great as the Spirit? + GIVEAWAY of 7 Mixers!

I recently got the chance to give QDrinks a try! I had never heard of this company before this chance, but it's awesome!
I just turned 23 in September and I'll be the first to admit I'm getting out of my "shots, shots, shots" phase. Lately I'm just wanting a nice buzz that tastes great. I'm getting up there in age ;) and I haven't been able to binge drink like I used to in my teenage years.

The answer to that is, yes. The mixer should be as good as the spirit.
And it is.

I'll start first with the Spectacular Tonic Water! This particular tonic water includes quinine from the Peruvian Andes and is made with agave for a lesser high fructose corn syrupy taste. You can make a lovely gin and tonic with this or you can try a Bittersweet Afternoon and throw an orange in if you're feeling up for a citrusy drink! If you like dry gin and tonics you can use the Indian Tonic Water instead!

The club soda has some Himalayan salt that naturally brings out the flavor of whatever you choose to mix in with it. A favorite is a scotch and club soda with some lemon on the side!

The grapefruit flavor was the best in my opinion! Saluki's with a lime wedge on the side with a little squeezed into the cup will do the trick. If you love grapefruit, you'll love the tartness of the Saluki!

The Kola was the last mixer I tried!

I have yet to try the ginger ale and the ginger beer, so we'll have to skip over these for now. I may include them in a later post once I get the chance to try them. :)

Enter below to win all 7 mixers to try for yourself!

Friday, October 19, 2018

Pure Protein Has a New Flavor! - Birthday Cake

Hey y'all! Today's review is on Pure Protein's new flavor of protein bar! Birthday cake. Am I seeing anyone else have heart eyes as much as I do? I love birthday cake flavored anything. Regular birthday cake, snack bars, snack cakes...just anything related to the flavor and I'm there for it. I'm so glad I got to try it so I could see if it's for me or not!

The presentation of the protein bar is very nice. A lot of people think eating healthy means unappetizing foods. As you can see from the photo above, Pure Protein doesn't put up with any of that. I feel like the sprinkles make me want to eat it even more. I swear I'm an adult. ;)

My first reaction to eating it was that it's harder than I expected it would be! I have good teeth, but a lot of older people may not be able to bite into this properly unless it's taken off in very small chunks.
I'm a texture person as well, and this protein bar does have a nice taste...if you can get over the chalkiness of it. The sprinkles add a crunch to the bar that a lot of people may like!
 I also really like the fact that it seems like it would be super unhealthy for you, which means if you're on a diet you can reach for this and feel like you're being bad but you're really not! Great for pre or post workouts!

Also...have I mentioned it's gluten free? No? I have now!

This particular bar has:
- 20 grams of protein (46 grams per day recommended for women, 56 recommended for men)
-3 grams of sugar
-200 calories 

Disclaimer: I received this product in exchange for an honest review. All opinions herein are of my own and are not swayed by any outside factors. Any links contained within this post do not compensate me in any way.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Carol's Daughter's Almond Milk Shampoo

Hey, everyone! I've decided that I may start reviewing products I buy/get as samples again! First up is Carol's Daughter's Almond Milk Shampoo.


The main purpose of this shampoo is to bring softness back to damaged hair while at the same time strengthening and protecting it from further damage.
My hair isn't damaged, so I can't speak for how well it restores it, but I do know I felt a dramatic increase of softness. My hair is very flat, but somehow it also brought a little bounciness to it.

The smell isn't very great in the shower, but it smells awesome after you get your hair dry! There are a ton of other notes in it that may be because of the ingredients like aloe butter, shea butter, and coconut oil.

It feels weightless so it's definitely not a shampoo that weighed my hair down which is always a plus with me.
Super easy to use! No repeating necessary, but you can if you feel like it. It's that good for your hair!

The story:

Another reason why I like this shampoo is the story behind it!

In 1933, Lisa had a dream to create high-quality products in her Brooklyn home. Her mother, Carol, encouraged her to follow her dream. She said that when she was coming up with the name, she wrote down everything that she thought she was and the most important thing to her was being Carol's daughter.
That's seriously the sweetest sentiment to me and I adore it. My heart melted a little reading the history on the products.
She sold her products at flea markets and festivals, and her family tried them and fell in love as well. In 1999, the first Carol's Daughter boutique was opened.

She also has a book out! It's called "Success Never Smelled So Sweet" and you can read the synopsis by clicking on the title! Give it a buy if it interests you.

In 2017 there was an exhibit put up for Carol's Daughter being a pioneer of the Natural Hair Care Renaissance and is featured in the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture!

Disclaimer: I received this sample in exchange for an honest review. All opinions herein are of my own and are not swayed by any outside factors. I am not receiving any monetary gain and any links you click on do not benefit me in any way.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Goodreads Suggestions - How Well Does Goodreads Know You?

Hey everyone! I was browsing the book blog universe and found a post from Caitstiel's Book World and decided I wanted to give it a go as well! Feel free to join in, as I'd loved to see what other book recs Goodreads is giving to everyone!

 I really enjoy thrilers, YA, and fantasy. I'd say it reflects here. Based off of my "favorites" shelf, Goodreads came up with 23 recs. For my blog's sake, and yours, I'll show only the first five they came up with and let you all know if Goodreads recommended any I liked!

1. The Archived - Victoria Schwab

When I clicked on the cover to read the synopsis, the first line I read was "Imagine a place where the dead rest on shelves like books."
Okay...color me interested! Seems like a very interesting premise. I enjoy the fact that it isn't a subject matter that I've ever read before. Added to my shelf!

1/5 so far!

2. Wolf by Wolf - Ryan Graudin

I think I'll pass on this one. I tend to not like to read books about Hitler and that time era if I can avoid them. Unless it seems like a super interesting story told with passion and understanding, I probably most likely will not read it.
I can't say that this book doesn't have those things, but it seems like it's lacking in something that hooked me.
I may seek out a chapter or two online to see if I'd enjoy it.
The cover is sort of throwing me off as well. The colors don't sit well with me.
I know we can't judge a book by its cover, though. ;) Sometimes I can't help it!

3. The Winner's Curse - Marie Rutkoski

I love fantasy books with massive empires! It seems like something I'd enjoy. I see that it's a series of books so I can at least try the first one to see if I wanna read the others.

2/5 added to my TBR!

4. A Natural History of Dragons - Marie Brennan

This was an insta-add! Pffft, dragons? How could I pass up on that? Doesn't help that the illustrations seem cool and the cover is cute.

3/5 added!
5. Dreamer's Pool - Juliet Marillier

Hmmm...hard pass for me. Have any of you read it? If so, try to sway me below! The synopsis just didn't cut it for me at all.

3/5 isn't bad at all! I did look through the rest and only a few more caught my eye out of 23. I do know that I need to take advantage of the option Goodreads has to boost recs. I had no idea that this was even an option!
I am going to keep checking back because I deleted my whole TBR shelf to start new. There was over 500 books on it before I deleted it. Now I have maybe 10 on there.

If you have any book recs, I'd love to see them. I'm super into YA, thrillers, true crime, and mysteries like Sherlock or Nancy Drew.
Talk soon!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

I Just Realized...

In a previous post I mentioned that I scrapped my old blog randomly. I just came to the realization that my readers (if I have any) have absolutely no idea of who the woman behind Sab Reads Books really is! I am! Beside my boyfriend Trevor. This was taken at our local Puerto Vallarta on my 23rd birthday!

I started this blog because I had a love for reading ingrained on my soul at a very young age thanks to my dad! I still have the very first book I ever got. It's duct taped and the pages are so fragile I don't open it to avoid further deterioration.
Reading is my comfort. I know a lot of you feel this way as well. I love being involved in a community that shares a love for the written word. I've never felt more accepted in my life than when I realized there's a whole crowed of people out there who take pride in the fact that they're bookworms. Who like to talk books, how they made you feel.

When I'm not reading, I'm most likely working at a local diner, spending time with my boyfriend, family, roommate, or friends, or watching horror shows/movies on Netflix.

I'm a fur momma! I have 3 rats named Clementine, Dyspo, and Tempest. I have two pups named Reggie and Indi. One is a pit/collie and the other is a lab retriever. My roomie has two cats named Tigger and Tripp! We're a houseful of animal lovers and if our house were bigger we'd have a ton more as well. :)

I have a love for chocolate, binge reading, witchy things, and weird Souncloud rappers. I'm that kind of person.

 I look forward to hopefully connecting with other book bloggers, so if you leave a comment I'll check your blog out and maybe we can become friends? 

Monday, October 8, 2018

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (2)

It's Monday! What Are You Reading is a weekly meme held by Bookdate where you share what you've read or are currently reading over the last week. Don't forget to join in and meet up with some fellow bloggers and leave some love on their posts as well!

What I read last week:

Truth or Dare by Jacqueline Green. I really enjoyed it. You can see a review on it here. Solid 4/5 stars!

What I'm currently reading:

The Fever King by Victoria Lee. I got this ARC super early. I'm only on chapter two but it hooked me rather quickly. If this isn't on your radar yet, it needs to be. You can see what it's about on Goodreads.

Hope everyone has a great week! Don't forget to leave a link so I can check out your newest post! 

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Truth or Dare by Jacqueline Green

Truth or Dare covers two of my favorite things: dark secrets, and someone hell-bent on exposing them.

Title: Truth or Dare
Author: Jaqueline Green
Publication Date: January 1, 2013
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Pages: 389
Source: Hardback

Tenley Reed used to host massive games of Truth or Dare, that got out of hand more often than not.
When she moves back to town, she decides another round of it is what will make everyone remember that she used to be the Queen of their town, and still is. The game is a chance for Caitlin to prove to everyone there's more to her than being straight-laced and an Angel. Sydney didn't even play, but she's swept up in the aftermath of the game as well.
They all start receiving notes left in their pill bottles, backpacks, on their car windows. And it all seems a little more horrifying than just a silly old game of Truth or Dare. Slowly the dares get meaner and more dangerous. The three girls are forced to play along, or risk their secrets getting out for everyone to know.

I really enjoyed the premise of this book. There are so many secrets Tenley, Caitlin, and Sydney are harboring they're drowning in them. To add to that, someone is threatening to expose said secrets if they don't go along with the dares they're being presented with.

Told in alternating viewpoints of the three girls, we get a glimpse into their home lives and some of the events that have happened leading up to this point.

Tenley moved back to Echo Bay after her mother gets married to the richest man in town. She strives to achieve her prior status as the most popular girl in town. But someone knows her secrets about just how far she'd go to make herself seem perfect.
Caitlin is running for class president but is so stressed out she develops a habit to her anti-anxiety medication and doesn't want anyone catching wind of it. Amidst all of that stress, she'd having flashbacks of her kidnapping and has an uneasy feeling things weren't exactly that cut and dry as the detectives thought it was.
Sydney isn't like the other girls. She'd rather be behind the camera than in front of it. She's a pyromaniac and is prone to setting fires when she gets too overwhelmed. Someone knows her secret as well.

I wasn't really invested in the characters as people, but I did enjoy the drama and tension. I have this disconnect with YA books set around high school cliques and status quo because I'm 23 years old and haven't been in school for six years now. I enjoyed the book for the suspense and mystery. The characters weren't anyone I could connect to, but I appreciated each of their personalities.

This one kept me guessing all the way until the end. Any time I thought I could pin who the stalker was, I was quickly shut down by the book and second guessed myself a lot. It's a slow-paced book, so not for people who want to get right down to it quickly, but I enjoyed the tension and the slow-buildup to the climax.

Creep factor is 10/10 because it's seriously scary knowing that someone could be watching you at all times. Know your dirty little secrets, then try to expose them if you don't do what they ask.

A lot of issues are introduced in this book. Bullying, mental health, homophobia, adultery. So this one is not for people who enjoy their novels light.
I will definitely be buying the next two books in the series!