Wednesday, October 10, 2018

I Just Realized...

In a previous post I mentioned that I scrapped my old blog randomly. I just came to the realization that my readers (if I have any) have absolutely no idea of who the woman behind Sab Reads Books really is! I am! Beside my boyfriend Trevor. This was taken at our local Puerto Vallarta on my 23rd birthday!

I started this blog because I had a love for reading ingrained on my soul at a very young age thanks to my dad! I still have the very first book I ever got. It's duct taped and the pages are so fragile I don't open it to avoid further deterioration.
Reading is my comfort. I know a lot of you feel this way as well. I love being involved in a community that shares a love for the written word. I've never felt more accepted in my life than when I realized there's a whole crowed of people out there who take pride in the fact that they're bookworms. Who like to talk books, how they made you feel.

When I'm not reading, I'm most likely working at a local diner, spending time with my boyfriend, family, roommate, or friends, or watching horror shows/movies on Netflix.

I'm a fur momma! I have 3 rats named Clementine, Dyspo, and Tempest. I have two pups named Reggie and Indi. One is a pit/collie and the other is a lab retriever. My roomie has two cats named Tigger and Tripp! We're a houseful of animal lovers and if our house were bigger we'd have a ton more as well. :)

I have a love for chocolate, binge reading, witchy things, and weird Souncloud rappers. I'm that kind of person.

 I look forward to hopefully connecting with other book bloggers, so if you leave a comment I'll check your blog out and maybe we can become friends? 

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