Friday, October 19, 2018

Pure Protein Has a New Flavor! - Birthday Cake

Hey y'all! Today's review is on Pure Protein's new flavor of protein bar! Birthday cake. Am I seeing anyone else have heart eyes as much as I do? I love birthday cake flavored anything. Regular birthday cake, snack bars, snack cakes...just anything related to the flavor and I'm there for it. I'm so glad I got to try it so I could see if it's for me or not!

The presentation of the protein bar is very nice. A lot of people think eating healthy means unappetizing foods. As you can see from the photo above, Pure Protein doesn't put up with any of that. I feel like the sprinkles make me want to eat it even more. I swear I'm an adult. ;)

My first reaction to eating it was that it's harder than I expected it would be! I have good teeth, but a lot of older people may not be able to bite into this properly unless it's taken off in very small chunks.
I'm a texture person as well, and this protein bar does have a nice taste...if you can get over the chalkiness of it. The sprinkles add a crunch to the bar that a lot of people may like!
 I also really like the fact that it seems like it would be super unhealthy for you, which means if you're on a diet you can reach for this and feel like you're being bad but you're really not! Great for pre or post workouts!

Also...have I mentioned it's gluten free? No? I have now!

This particular bar has:
- 20 grams of protein (46 grams per day recommended for women, 56 recommended for men)
-3 grams of sugar
-200 calories 

Disclaimer: I received this product in exchange for an honest review. All opinions herein are of my own and are not swayed by any outside factors. Any links contained within this post do not compensate me in any way.