Hey, everyone! I'm a tad bit late to the BLOGOWEEN thing...I just recently joined Twitter and didn't find out anything about this until yesterday. I've been having issues wondering what to blog about recently, so this came at just the right time. I love anything Halloween related so this is right up my alley.
BLOGOWEEN is ran by Sam and Clo! The first prompt is from Anthony. I wasn't tagged but I'm going to do it anyway. ;)
1. Witch: A Magical Character or Book
2. Werewolf: The Perfect Book to Read at Night
There's Someone Inside Your House by Stepanie Perkins was the first book that popped into my head. I finished this book in June and it's stuck with me! If you love typical slasher movies, this is a book you should definitely pick up.
3. Frankenstein: A Book that Truly Shocked You
People around the book blogging world might be tired of hearing about Gone Girl, but that ending was honestly jaw dropping. I can't help but be in awe still to this day. I fell in love with Gillian Flynn after that and have read all of her books. Each one just gets better and better without fail.
4. The Devil: A Dark, Evil Character
(If you've not read this book don't read below this. Spoiler warning).
I've only read the first book in the Dollanganger series but the mother in this book was such an evil hag! After the children's dad dies she hands the children off to her Grandma, who, by the way, is also an old, evil hag. She puts them in the attic to be hidden away so their mother can get back into the will.
Leaving your children for money under the guise of it helping them after their grandfather dies.
Freakin' psycho! It gets me riled up every time I remember this dang book.
Leaving your children for money under the guise of it helping them after their grandfather dies.
Freakin' psycho! It gets me riled up every time I remember this dang book.
5. Grim Reaper: A Character that Should Have Never Died

That is all I'm saying about this one. SMH.
6. Zombie: A Book that Made You "Hungry" for More
Furyborn! The cover is breathtaking but that story! It's so good. I need more ASAP.
7. Gargoyle: A Character that You Would Protect at All Costs
Dimitri Belikov from The Vampire Academy series. He's my baby.

That is all I'm saying about this one. SMH.
6. Zombie: A Book that Made You "Hungry" for More
Furyborn! The cover is breathtaking but that story! It's so good. I need more ASAP.
7. Gargoyle: A Character that You Would Protect at All Costs
Dimitri Belikov from The Vampire Academy series. He's my baby.
8. Vampire: A Book that Sucked the Life Out of You
A Child Called It. I remember reading parts of that book and just being so horrified that people have to encounter things like this. I can't imagine a life like that.
9. Ghost: A Book that Still Haunts You
Cujo. I love dogs. I also know not a lot of people get their dogs vaccinated for rabies. Which is terrifying to me. Being stuck in a car knowing a viscous dog is trying to tear you to pieces with no way of escaping. *shudder*
Cujo. I love dogs. I also know not a lot of people get their dogs vaccinated for rabies. Which is terrifying to me. Being stuck in a car knowing a viscous dog is trying to tear you to pieces with no way of escaping. *shudder*
10. Skeleton: A Character You Have a Bone to Pick With

I don't think another character besides Umbridge has made me hate them so much as I hate Joffrey. Little asshole. This scene was my favorite, next to the one where he got what he deserved. *slightly ominous sentence for people who haven't read the book* Lol.
11. Mummy: A Book you Would Preserve Throughout Time

I don't think another character besides Umbridge has made me hate them so much as I hate Joffrey. Little asshole. This scene was my favorite, next to the one where he got what he deserved. *slightly ominous sentence for people who haven't read the book* Lol.
11. Mummy: A Book you Would Preserve Throughout Time
Any Harry Potter one as states above. Everyone needs to read them at least once.
12. Creepy Doll: A Cover too Scary to Look At

All of the Asylum novels are scary!
That's the end of that! I'm supposed to tag people but sadly I haven't made any friends in the book blogging world yet. Maybe one day.
Have you read any of these books? Do my sentiments match up with yours? Let me know in the comment section below. :)

All of the Asylum novels are scary!
That's the end of that! I'm supposed to tag people but sadly I haven't made any friends in the book blogging world yet. Maybe one day.
Have you read any of these books? Do my sentiments match up with yours? Let me know in the comment section below. :)