I have something to confess...I've never watched Charlie's Angels a day in my life. I requested this from Edelweiss because of that reason. I wanted to see what exactly all the hype was about. Now, I know this isn't the original and I can't compare it to it, but the reviews are saying that this comic pays homage to the original.
I really love the 70s vibe but it's not my favorite art style. Where it lacks in that area for me it makes up with an easy to follow story-line and hilariously bad-ass females who fight for the greater good. Throw in a plan to kill the president with multiple people trying to kill them as well and you have a story that'll make you white-knuckle the pages until you finish.
This one involves a lot of smart wit, a ton of fighting, with more than enough things to keep you enthralled. I'm thoroughly impressed.
I found out one of Charlie's Angels has the same name as me so I thought that was pretty cool as well!