Monday, January 7, 2019

The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi

It's Paris in 1899. The Tower of Babel fell long ago and the fragments from it gives some people the ability to Forge.

Where there used to be four houses, only two remain: House Vanth and House Nyx.

Séverin is the rejected heir of House Vanth who's main mission is to restore his inheritance.
Hypnos is the House Nyx patriarch who also happens to be Séverin's childhood rival. He knows what Séverin is after and offers his help under one condition: Séverin recovers an artifact called the Horus Eye. The Horus Eye can locate Babel fragment.

Séverin won't be alone in his mission. Joined by his brother Tristan, Zofia who's an engineer, Enrique, a historian who also happens to be bi-sexual, and Laila, an Asian Indian dancer.

I haven't read any other books by Roshani, but I've seen praise. If her other books are written anything like The Gilded Wolves, I can easily see why.

There's something I enjoy about reading novels set in France. I feel like everything is 10x prettier in description. But Roshani has the ability to forge beauty out of death and you'll find yourself transported to the catacombs of Paris during the group's race to the Horus Eye.

One of the main things I really appreciated about The Gilded Wolves was how intricate it was. There are so many puzzles the group have to pull together to figure out how to advance to the next part of their plan. The way they all use their individual gifts and come together to help one another was beautifully well-written.

A+ for a bi-sexual representation along with a great diverse cast as well! The romance was written in a way that felt natural and not all in your face. I was rooting for the love that was slowly blossoming for sure.

Thanks to BookishFirst for allowing me to review this book! You can pre-order it here.