Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Night Before by Wendy Walker

Hello readers! Today I'm going to be talking about THE NIGHT BEFORE by Wendy Walker. I was lucky enough to receive an ARC well before its release date, which is in May of this year. 5 months in advance! I call that a major score in the book blogging world! ;)

Walker has a distinct way of hooking you. I was intrigued within the first 15 pages and finished this in two days. I didn't want to put it down, so reading is how I rung in the New Year's!

The story is told in alternating views between Laura (who's missing) and her sister Rosie. Laura doesn't come home after a date and instantly Rosie is on high alert. What follows is a whirlwind of a search with more than a few twists and turns you won't see coming. When I caught my footing and thought I knew what was going on, Walker managed to sweep them out from underneath me with the next big revelation she had about one of our characters. This is a heck of a ride, and one I'm glad I got on.

Our characters have all been intertwined in each other's lives since they were children. They all thought they knew each other inside and out. What happens when that facade begins to crack and the biggest revelation of all is finally out? All of their lives are inevitably changed. You won't want to miss out on this one.